Talent Development - Acquisition, Development & Retention
As wave after wave of technology and business model change comes crashing in - why is it that the industry still has not cracked the nut on talent development? The perpetual lament of 'lack of talent' is wearying, and it seems there is very little focus on the necessary innovation in new programs to solve the problem.
Unless you live in Montana.
The state is on-point in this area, with a coordinated team of state and local governments, four-year and two-year higher education and private industry technology leaders. The leadership comes directly from the top with Montana Governor Greg Gianforte and University of Montana President Seth Bodnar, both of whom had established careers in technology prior to their current positions.
Governor Gianforte and President Bodnar share a passion and vision for inclusive prosperity across Montana's 56 counties and eight tribal nations. Craton is honored to play a catalyst role in expanding upon their existing programs and building new ones that accelerate the path to excellent jobs, largely but not exclusively in the technology ecosystem.

Tom Stergios (left), Craton Consulting founder, and University of Montana President Seth Bodnar
Our Montana Partnerships